Friday, August 29, 2008

Morgan Visits His New Classroom

First grade starts for Morgan on Tuesday. I can't believe that the summer is over! But I know we're all looking forward to school starting again. Mo's school is very small so he already knows most of his classmates and his teacher too.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

National Aquarium

It's in Baltimore. This was Morgan and Max's first trip into Baltimore which is 80 miles from Dahlgren.

Our Second Trip to DC

This time we took Shawn with us. He'd never seen the monuments so we made a day of it. We started off at the Smithsonian and then went to the Washington Monument, the WWII , the Lincoln, the Vietnam, and Korean War memorials. Then when it started to rain we took the boys to the National Museum of Natural History.

Mo's Birthday

Morgan's 6th birthday was a small but fun affair. We had one other family over but with their three boys and baby girl it was enough. Ashley made hamburgers (on a cast iron skillet given to her by her parents) and there was carrot cake and ice cream for dessert.
Before dinner the boys enjoyed some time on the slip n slide before they were all driven inside by the mosquitoes.
After dinner but before the cake Ashley brought out our homemade 'pinata' . Basically she took some paperbags from the commissary and sewed them shut with candy inside. The boys then decorated it with stickers and hit it with Mo's sturdy purple lightsaber.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Company Picnic

The base's Commander hosted a picnic today with rides for the kids and good food. There were pie and watermelon eating contests that Shawn took part in. He got third place in the pie contest. They didn't check the pies and the one Shawn got was frozen! So he just ended up with a bunch of whip topping up his nose. He won the watermelon contest though. It was a great day and Shawn won us three tickets to Kings Dominion a local theme/water park.

Berry Picking and Ashley's new Hair cut.

Noni, Papa, Morgan, Max, Grandan, and Ashley had a great day blackberry picking at Westmoreland Berry Farm. This was on Monday, August 4th.